Following up on the last thing, where we made a loose solo system adding five stroke rolls and stick shots to pp. 34-45 of Syncopation. Here we’re focused strictly on the snare drum aspect.
You can figure out the formula below. The main thing is that the shots are all played with the right stick on the left, so the sticking for the rolls is RLR. Play multiple bounce rolls and ruffs. Swing the 8ths, or play them straight, either works in jazz.

What’s happening there is:
• Add five stroke roll ending in a stick shot to any short note/long note pair— or two short notes followed by a rest.
• Any isolated notes can be played as a shot, or as a ruff with a shot on the main note.
• A tap before a roll/shot can also be played as a shot/ruff shot.
• Add roll/shots on longer runs of 8ths before a roll/shot. Any isolated taps in the middle are played with the left hand.