SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT SLASH FEELER: I’m thinking about doing a group zoom call— you know the thing, you join me in an online conversation about all matters pertaining to drumming, teaching, playing, whatever anyone wants to talk about. Anything, serious, frivolous, or otherwise.
It’ll be a good opportunity to talk about some things that aren’t real easy to talk about on the site. Probably I would ask people to submit questions in advance, since they get shy about asking them in front of people, and then of course we would talk about whatever comes up.
Probably it would be 90 minutes, and I would ask something like $25 to participate.
Bounce over to the contact page and let me know if you’d be interested in that, and your availability— probably I would be looking to do it on a Saturday morning, Pacific Standard Time. And it probably wouldn’t actually be on Zoom since it sucks, probably MS Teams or something. It’ll be fun, let me know!