Art Blakey – The Core

Here’s something great that deserves much better than the cursory treatment I’m about to give it: The Core, from Art Blakey’s record Free For All. Blakey’s doing a little bit of an Elvin Jones thing […]

Alejian cymbals

I made an interesting purchase at that Chehalis, Washington drummer swap meet— an 18″ Alejian brand cymbal. At 1368 grams, it would be categorized as approximately a medium thin crash, maybe a crash-ride— it acts […]

Percussion swap meet in Chehalis, WA tomorrow

If any of you are in… whatever you call that part of Washington state— the I-5 corridor between Olympia and Longview… there’s going to be a drummer swap meet/gathering tomorrow, Sunday, July 17th, at Alexander […]

Joe Chambers interview

I’m getting ready to travel on Sunday, and have other things on my mind, so here’s a 2021 podcast interview with Joe Chambers. The interviewer seems like a pretty knowledgeable fan, but he doesn’t talk too much […]