Rimshots vs. no rimshots

Here’s a little video of me stunningly adorned in lush Irish wool, playing some crap for a second in response to a drum forum question, about technique for low-volume rimshots. You’ll notice there’s very little difference in my hand position on regular taps vs. the rim shots. They’re pretty integrated, I just drop my wrist slightly. Pay close attention after 0:33 and 0:45. 

I think I may have practiced my rimshots around 1986— David Garibaldi had an article in Modern Drummer where he talked about his technique for them. Ever since then I’ve just played about ten million of them in the course of playing the drums. I learned to do them quietly on the job— where you’re trying to figure out how to get a decent funk sound, but they’re also yelling at you about volume. 

You also get a look at my cymbal technique, during the swing portion. That very open grip you see at 0:25 is just me being cazh— that’s not a deliberate technique. With all those doubles you don’t see any particular finger activity at all, but the doubles are relaxed, not stiff. I’m just holding the sticks. It’s not unlike Bob Moses’s grip

The sound quality on an iPhone from two feet away isn’t terrible— I may do more of these. I just don’t want to be in a position of trying to be a desperate drum video a-hole. If you ever catch me doing that, I invite you to fly out here and slap me one. All expenses paid— I’ll do a contest.  

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