Very occasional quote of the day: artist Posted on January 30, 2020 by Todd Bishop “An artist is someone who can hold two opposing viewpoints and still remain fully functional.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
art very occasional quote of the day Very occasional quote of the day: rich and famous Todd Bishop September 19, 2022 0 R. Crumb and son Jesse, in the movie Crumb: Jesse: You didn’t go to art school and you’re rich and famous. R.: I’m not talking about rich and famous, I’m talking about learning how to […]
Philly Joe Jones playing very occasional quote of the day Very occasional quote of the day: learning Todd Bishop February 23, 2022 0 “I learn something every time I play.” – Philly Joe Jones, 1982 Modern Drummer interview with Rick Mattingly
competition jazz Miles Davis very occasional quote of the day Very occasional quote of the day: competition Todd Bishop December 7, 2022 1 “Music isn’t about competition, but about cooperation, doing s*t together and fitting in.” —Miles Davis