A great extended interview with Joey Baron by Cologne pianist Pablo Held. Part three has the most drumming and performance related conversation in it, but follow the link and watch the other two videos, too: […]
Month: November 2018
Harmonic coordination whatsis
Hey, we’re kicking around a lot of half-baked stuff on the blog these days, but I… look… if you want to see someone disappearing down the practice materials rabbit hole, visit my friend the saxophonist Dave […]
Moron bad drumming
We are all Hector Berlioz. Following up on my bad drummers post from some weeks ago. I hate to even say bad drummers, because playing badly is not an immutable thing. I like to think […]
Rub-a-dub lesson: Equinox
Here’s an easy little lesson for doing this rub-a-dub business in a musical context, using the tune Equinox by John Coltrane. Equinox is based on some very common jazz rhythmic figures, so this should be […]