Anyone who follows this blog has certainly heard of John Riley— drummer and author of the book The Art of Bop Drumming, among other titles. He’s a leading authority, and one of the most influential authors of drumming materials of the last 30 years, and I’ve learned a lot from his books; reading them and practicing out of them has influenced my own ideas about teaching, and writing.
Another broad criticism/reservation/funny feeling I’ve had about the book is that it’s actually a style guide— a set of instructions for how to play correctly — and I don’t think jazz should be treated as a style. It’s not supposed to be about correct answers, and being too results-oriented about it feels wrong to me. What you’re supposed to be doing with it is listening, playing, drawing your own conclusions and figuring out your own artistry. Even if many of your conclusions end up being the same as the ones in the book, the process is different.
1. The two-measure format he uses for comping/independence exercises doesn’t work for me. The basic exercises are good for developing riff-consciousness, and thinking in two measure phrases is helpful for getting into clave-based music, but I prefer the long exercises found in Progressive Steps to Syncopation. I don’t use the more advanced comping studies at all— you could copy them exactly and know a lot of hip comping shit, and it would be totally meaningless. It’s a false process. Philosophically, I don’t think jazz drumming should be about working out hip comping patterns from books.
To be clear, this is all just about my personal ideas and what I personally like to look at when I’m practicing. I think you should buy all of his books— TAOBD, Beyond Bop Drumming, and especially Jazz Drummer’s Workshop. They are major entries in the literature of drumming, and the quality of the information is excellent. They’re so good that you could easily mistake them for being a complete story on how to become an excellent jazz musician, and I don’t believe that’s true. Even the best books in the world are just addenda to the actual process.
I hear where you're coming from, but I'd also venture to say that John never intended for his books to serve as comprehensive "methods." He's merely giving you a peek under the hood–providing some material to work with to AID in one's study of jazz drumming. That's why he gives the big discography at the end, too.
Yeah, I guess this is more about how the book gets used, and about how my own attitudes differ from it– I'm not really faulting it.