By the way, folks, I encourage you to follow us on Twitter— I think I’m finding my groove there at last, with a mix of new and past stuff from the blog, music, art, comedy, […]

Write your own book

Like this, but words— throw them down. Here Jeff Goins, a writer, gives 10 Ridiculously Simple Tips For Writing A Book. Here are the ones I like most— and these apply to many other things […]

Make your own practice loops

I have a saying: Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and you shift the burden away from yourself and wash your hands of all responsibility when he […]

Enough with the prodigies.

Impressive technical abilities for a child, still a hack painting. The universal plaintive cry is “If they’re that good now, imagine how good they’ll be in ten years!” Well, maybe. There’s a great article on kids and […]