We’ll continue light posting through this week, as I’m in the middle of a big booking push, and then heading to the coast. But here’s an interesting Philly Joe Jones transcription, from Hank Mobley’s Hi […]
Year: 2013
DBMITW: Upa Neguinho
A few versions of the famous Edu Lobo song. You can safely skip to 0:50 here: More after the break: This Sergio Mendes version looks a little goofy at first glance, but actually totally killer: […]
From the zone: Elvin 9/8
Let’s see if I can make a series out of this— it will depend on people sending me cool stuff out of their personal notebooks. Meaning, you should send me cool stuff out of your […]
NEW: guide to the archives
This blog covers so much stuff that, if you’ve just been browsing around hoping to get lucky, you’ve probably missed a lot of things you’d be interested in; so I want to direct your attention […]
Another samba builder
Our previous “samba builder” was very batucada-focused (and probably in need of an update); this has more to do with samba as played on the drums, like in our Milton Banana pieces. The method is straightforward; […]
Drum chart: Salve a Mocidade
This is a chart and partial transcription for a Milton Banana track which I’ve been playing along with quite a bit this week. It’s a lot of fun, and really instills a feel for the […]
The raggedy edge
Here’s a great post by Sam Nadel, on a subject I think a lot about— which I alluded to in the recent African ritual music DBMITW— “the importance of being reckless”: “Part of the problem […]
Groove(s) o’ the day: Shuggie Otis — Inspiration Information
Once upon a time even music meant for mass consumption didn’t necessarily have the same drum beat played repetitively all the way through. The drumming on Inspiration Information by Shuggie Otis is constantly changing, while […]
More with rock beats using Syncopation
Going a little further with my earlier piece on making rock beats using— say it with me— Ted Reed’s Syncopation. In doing this, there will be many duplicate beats, but that’s not important— our purpose […]
Another Drum! piece coming up…
It looks like I’ll have another piece in Drum! magazine— my third— coming up pretty soon. Just waiting for final, 100% fersher confirmation. The piece is my transcription of Vinnie Colaiuta’s playing on the guitar […]
YouTubed: “basic rock beat”
Since I’m often told that the Internet, with its abundance of free materials, is rendering teachers obsolete, I thought I’d put that to the test, searching YouTube for beginning rock drumming “lessons”, and not stopping […]
On Jack
There’s a great piece on Jack Dejohnette, by someone who plays with him, over at George Colligan’s Jazz Truth blog— go read. Here’s a bonus DBMITW: