
It’s been a heckuva week- between releasing a new CD, playing the Ballard Jazz Festival, taxes, and a simultaneous plumbing and roof-leaking emergency in the little rental unit behind my home- and I now need […]

Basic beats

Here’s a rare bone for my younger/beginning-er readers. What we have here is a collection of basic “rock” beats- really they’re good for many/most varieties of popular music using the drum set. The names I’ve […]

Waterloo bullet

All right, people, we are going to be on really, truly, unconscionably light posting through most of the next week as I do my taxes, get it together for, and then go play the Ballard […]

My new CD is out now

Oh, hey, my new Origin Records CD of obscure tunes by Ornette Coleman, LITTLE PLAYED LITTLE BIRD, is out now and starting to get some radio play. It features my same smoking tenor player from […]