Basic Mambo

I guess I had to eventually post something directly drumming-related on my drumming blog, so here is an older piece I’ll be sharing with a couple of students today- some variations on a generic, very […]


The Tugboat Brewery is a small venue in Portland which has for years been one of the primary places hosting consistently adventuresome music locally. The reason for this is strictly financial- basically, they didn’t want […]

Marty Hurley 1946-2011

I’ve just learned that drum corps hall of famer Marty Hurley has passed away– he was best known as the percussion caption head for the Phantom Regiment drum and bugle corps from 1976 to 1992. […]

A Nubian challenged by an auroch!

Prior to flooding the arena for the gladiatorial re-enactment of the battle of Actium, here’s a fresh novelty to ogle at, courtesy of my old friend Kirk in LA: I retired amazingness as a thing […]