Barry Altschul has been on my mind a lot lately- this performance kind of got stuck in my head, plus I was listening to a lot of Paul Bley before my recording session last week– […]
Year: 2011
It’s a five-off
Following the lead of Four On The Floor’s 5 Beat Groupings (including a hip way of using Stone on the drumset), and Trap’d’s 5 beat figures in triplets, here’s another variation of the paradiddle exercise […]
What I was doing yesterday
Here’s one of the rough mixes from yesterday’s session- Ornette Coleman’s Lonely Woman. I hadn’t planned on recording this tune, and we didn’t rehearse it, but we had nine tunes in the can, and a […]
DBMITW: models of simplicity
There are thousands of examples of simple pop drumming which achieve a kind of craftsmanly invisibility, but here I’ve chosen a handful of favorite tracks in which the drumming actually stands out artistically for its […]
Putting together a jazz drum set
The Gretsch Catalinas on my 2010 Europe tour. A good point in the comments of the How to be a jazz drummer post- the sound of your instrument is very important. If you’ve been playing […]
Coordination “kernels” – further examples
You may have noticed I’ve been on rather light posting this last week. Expect that to continue for the next several days; this week I’ll be recording my new CD for the Origin label, Little […]
A lot of hard sight-reading
No entry for getting lost, panicking, and soiling oneself. An interesting day yesterday- I played two sessions in which we played through a bunch of really challenging reading. It’s an interesting dynamic when a group […]
Very occasional quote of the day: on life choices
“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make big choices in life. Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or […]
So-called because it consists of three and a half “paras” (RL RL RL R), plus a diddle (LL), and I… never mind. I was hitting the practice pad along with an Illinois Jacquet/Wild Bill Davis […]
How to be a jazz drummer
Here are some tips for a rock drummer who wrote to me wanting to begin learning jazz, but is unsure how to go about it: 1. Play a lot. With people. Everything you do as […]
Transcription: James Gadson – Use Me
I guess we could also file this under Groove o’the day. While I’m getting some longer posts together, here are James Gadson’s drum breaks from the song Use Me, by Bill Withers. As you’ll notice […]