This is something I’ve been doing lately- making play-along loops from drumless parts (usually intros) of favorite tracks. My attorney tells me this is of dubious legality distrubution-wise, but until I receive a cease-and-desist letter […]
Year: 2011
Vinnie Colaiuta transcription – Frank Zappa’s Packard Goose
This is one of the hairier transcriptions I have ever done- Vinnie Colaiuta’s drum part from the guitar solo on Packard Goose, from Frank Zappa’s Joe’s Garage. I originally transcribed this- along with much of […]
About my sites
PDX Drummer – My drum instruction site. Lots of hard-sell please-please-study-with-me stuff, but also very robust pages of my recordings, exercise/transcription/play-along downloads, and recommendations/tips on purchasing everything related to drumming. Also links to my Amazon […]
January 2011 update
TERSE ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m about to revive this sucker somewhat. Look for more music-related items and odd bits out of the photo archives. A lot has been happening since my last post- two European tours, a […]