More good stuff from Bang! The Drum School- a fun page of Max Roach-inspired fills. I like this kind of thing for just practicing getting around the drums- something I never actually did in isolation, […]
Month: June 2011
Kristen’s rock micro-syllabus
Here I’ve written up a thing I’ve been doing verbally with Kristen, one of my 6th grade students, to acquaint with some of the basic moves in rock-style drumming. Our method has been to run […]
Transciption: Pete LaRoca – Oleo
I must apologize for the light posting- I’ve been occupied with work and with my still-upcoming, really-going-to-happen this time recording session for my new record. Allow me to make it up to you by offering […]
Very occasional quote of the day
“Stop being against something just because it looks ‘weird’.” – Boris, from Blue Movie by Terry Southern. Hadn’t thought of this book in years, then woke up thinking about that quote. The character is based […]
Elvin Jones transcription round-up
I’m working on charts this evening, so here are some links to Elvin Jones transcriptions by other people: Summertime – transcribed by Steve Korn Have I linked to this before? If not, I should have. […]
Matt’s paradiddle thing
This is a straightforward paradiddle exercise I wrote up for one of my students. It ends up a pretty robust page of stuff when you run it in the sequences. Practice each measure individually, then […]
Cruise Ship Drummer! now on Twitter
First I want to say I object to having to refer to my utterances as “tweets” when using Twitter- it’s kind of belittling, you know? “You can use our system, but you have to wear […]