Bill Athens
Year: 2007
Rebecca Sanborn
Another shot of Reed.
Blue Cranes CD Release at Holocene!
Here’s the Blue Cranes doing their CD release party at Holocene. The band was completely rocking! I revisted my blurry art-crap roots by shooting with 400asa Fuji Provia pushed to 1600 and cross-processed. I hadn’t […]
Reed Wallsmith, the alto player, also played great.
I missed this guy’s name- he was sitting in with the band for the CD release, and had a nice rocking free-jazz type approach. I believe he plays with the Decemberists.
Bill Athens, sitting in for Keith Brush on bass had a big solo feature that was very nice.
Ji Tanzer, blew my mind with some burning breakbeat shit. More stuff to practice…
Keyboardist Rebecca Sanborn.
February club dates
I’m playing Thursday, Feb. 1st with my new favorite guitarist Dan Duval and co. at the Red & Black Cafe on SE Division. It should be an evening of loose, fun music. My swing group, […]
Kerry Campbell at Kicknbaque!
I went down and sat in with Mr. Campbell’s group at the Kicknbaque on NE MLK & Fremont. A very raucus scene with people dancing, rappers sitting in with the group and such. I hadn’t […]