Sam, RVLA’s cellist. One of the more colorful shots from his beret shoot.
Year: 2006
A shot of Jeffrey, violinist for RVLA. This shot’s for the inside of the CD booklet.
Another Diana shot, from Toby Koenigsberg’s shoot. This is the drummer, Jason Palmer. Cross-processed Provia again- Diana was on ‘b’ and I underexposed quite a bit.
Casey by the fountain in the Piazza Della Reppublica in Rome, again with the Diana, Fuji Provia cross-processed.
I asked Nate to make a face like he was really wailing on his old Prophet. Not exactly what I had in mind but I like it.
Casey with her brother’s Gibson SG. From the pink shoot.
Casey plays the guitar. T400CN through the Holga with bounce flash using crappy old Sunpak flash.
From a shoot with the singer McKinley for her album “Goner”. I had no idea what I was doing and shot a ton of film with Lomo, Lubitel, Fed Micron and Minolta SRT. I thought […]
Saxophonist Bob Mover at Mississippi Studios. Got this with the Lomo. This is an old favorite shot of mine, but I’ll probably cut it from the portfolio.
Chad, clarinetist for Paxselin at one of their shows at the Red & Black cafe. Neopan 1600 with the OM-1.