Rubber goldfish!
Year: 2006
Giraffe 3
More Super Plus!
Jennifer and… crap. I suck. I cannot remember the singer’s name. I’m catching so much crap for not being able to remember anyone’s name. I suck. I suck. I suck. Amanda. Jennifer and Amanda.
More shots from a Super Plus rehearsal before Casey quit the band! Here Casey rocks.
Sometimes you rock so hard and you’re so wasted that this is the last thing you see before your face plants on the studio floor.
Michelle rocks in mismatched socks!
Michelle and Jennifer play. The negative is flipped, but I don’t want to go in and change it back. Use your imagination.
Feet of The Dot.
They rock!
Casey gives Jennifer the old “thumbs up”.
Christmas on the Empress!
I took this devastating shot while sitting in the green room.
Up Country! The entertainment for country night. Consumate pros and really nice guys.