I think I’ve posted this before, but what the hey: here’s my favorite pozole recipe, with my additions in italics. The secret to this soup is in the preparation of the chili paste which gives […]
Year: 2006
Casey in Rome
Casey by the Piazza Della Repubblica again. Cross-processed Provia, shot with the Diana, with cool new Photoshop color adjustment.
Lock walls redux!
More pictures of the walls of the locks of the dams of the Columbia River. This time using the new Yashica D, on which I got a great deal except that the shutter release stopped […]
Lock wall 2
Lock wall 3
New Casey graphic!
A different picture from the pink shoot, amped up quite a bit in Photoshop. Most of the stuff from this shoot was pretty severely overexposed- I had just gotten my White Lightning setup and hadn’t quiiite […]
Slapping together a portfolio.
These are the finalists. I should probably cut 10-13 of these. Here’s a shot of Andrea Niemic. I think this is T400CN- that’s what I use for more critical stuff because it’s really easy to handle.
Here’s Casey just before our trip to Rome, shot with the Diana and some cross-processed Fuji slide film.
I did some band photos of my friend Mary Sue Tobin’s band Paxselin. This one is nice but will probably be cut because Ken and Chad chose to show up to the shoot in such […]
We’re doing a series of shots with each member of Red Venus Love Army in beret and some goggles we found on the ground. This is from one of the test rolls. I think I […]
Another RVLA booklet shot. This is John, the trumpet player.
Nathan, RVLA’s keyboard player and producer of the record. Also music czar at Monolith games. He did the music for No One Lives Forever 2 and F.E.A.R, among many others.