I bust out the 135mm. Not sure what the point of this shot is. Usually you want to get the bell in there so people know what the hell they’re looking at. Well, screw it. […]

Another long exposure with the 135.  

That is my camera bag dominating the foreground. I’m a complete idiot. But here’s Casey watching the show; in the background is Tracy Kim, a guitarist who’s an old school chum of Tim’s. I also […]

Series of Tim!

Here’s a series of shots from of Tim playing with Bill Athens at the Red & Black in Portland a couple of weeks ago. These were all taken with the OM-2, slide film, cross-processed. 

Saxophonist Tim Jensen!

Tim Jensen’s group at the Red & Black on one of Mary Sue Tobin’s Thursday night events. A lot of these shots are seriously underexposed with weird blown out highlights in spots. I shot t400cn […]

These are kind of cool shots of the trombonist. The others are pretty woefully underexposed, but are still pretty cool nevertheless. I think I bounced the shot off the (high) ceiling here. The rule with […]

Another example of the Holga taking cool looking shots very close up and bouncing the flash off a near wall. I don’t know if it’s real flattering for him, but the tonality sure is nice. […]