Finally made it back. There aren’t too many of the old Vespas on the street any more- they must have done some massive purge of all the old, noisy, beat up ones, because in ’03 […]
Year: 2006
Bikers tear down the street in Trastevere.
Flower shop.
Flower shop where Casey bought blue lilies to leave at S. Maria in Aracoeli, site of the old Roman temple to Juna Moneta.
The Metro. Roman grafiti artists have taken this late 80’s thing and kind of run with it. They’re very prolific.
Back from Rome!
I got back from Rome this morning and I’m jetlagged like a mother. I shot a buttload of film and will be scanning all day today and tomorrow and posting as much as possible. Great […]
Another unique one.
Another little series of shots from the same angle with the same aproximate shutter speed.
Tim playing 2
Tim playing 3