Op art!

Here are some fun things to play with until I can put together another post. Opartica Virtual Alexander Calder Create your own Mondrian paintings. Op art generator. Art generation software. Generative art links.

WIIT in Chicago plays my record

CMJ Jazz Report from WIIT. # ARTIST Recording 1 JESSICA WILLIAMS Live At Yoshi’s 2 CLIFF KORMAN Migrations 3 BEN WOLFE My Kinda Beautiful 4 CHRIS WINTERS Impressions 5 CAROL MENNIE I’m Not A Sometime […]

I’m slammed!

OK, I’m too darned busy today to put together a decent post. Visit these people instead: Design Bum. This guy was a passenger on the Queen of the West last year. He was conspicuos by […]

Interstate bridge!

Here are some Lomo shots I took off the first deck of the Queen of the West as we passed under the Interstate bridge, mere minutes away from the Doubletree Hotel and freedom.