Michael taking a picture of something. He and Kate both had the kickass non-zoom Stylus Epic. I had the Lomo and this pig of a Minolta SRT.
Month: February 2005
Montepulciano – 02
I had another shot of an old man looking at these posters. It didn’t turn out so hot because I didn’t (don’t?) know how to hold a camera.
Tomb country!
More travel photography. Not great pictures, but a very cool place where nobody ever goes. On our 2003 Italy trip several of us drove to Norchia, an Etruscan tomb site with some medieval ruins. In […]
Tomb wall
Climbing down the canyon wall. Norchia was featured in the book “Under The Tuscan Sun”, and the author was a little freaked out by it. The only freaky thing we encountered was the caretaker, a […]