Know your tempos: Ballads

Once every dozen years of blogging, I like to write about ballads— slow tunes you play on jazz gigs. They do exist. Possibly I don’t write about them much because I learned to play them […]

A player’s analysis of drumming

For a long time I’ve been thinking about developing a system of analysis for drumming, like the harmonic analysis you do in college theory courses, deciding the function of every note in a composition. Doing […]

Cliché control

A little writing experiment, like my old Funk Control pages, and my Philly Joe solo page. Here we have a lot of jazz soloing clichés, to practice in combination with each other. Similar to a […]


A small item for your consideration and experimentation.   On a drumming forum, a user was complaining that practicing paradiddles didn’t seem to improve his hand independence— he was working on some Chapin Advanced Techniques […]