Aaaand I thought we’d end this series with some more listening, starting with some more modern things: Jive Coffee – Brad Mehldau with Jeff Ballard Much more after the break: Jive Coffee – Bill Stewart […]
Month: June 2012
Cracking 5/4: issues and things, and conclusion
In this final-for-now post on playing in 5/4 I want to talk about a few stray issues, and things that you may observe happening, or happening to you. This is a work in progress for […]
On Marv Dahlgren’s prodigious output and the purpose of a library
Three bucks to purchase, hundreds of hours to master. As I was idly visiting the Really Good Music Publishing site– the people, you’ll recall, who have reissued several out of print Marvin Dahlgren books- an […]
Groove o’ the day: casually provided by Jack Dejohnette
Today’s groove is a little unusual, in that it comes from a YouTube cymbal demo and not from a real record, but since the demo is by Jack Dejohnette, I figured what the heck. He […]
Recording session post-mortem
I was in the studio last weekend, recording some very challenging, highly arranged, often counter-intuitive music for a 6-piece quasi-jazz outfit, and had a few random thoughts about it: Recording easy music for your own […]
DBMITW: Vibrafinger!
Here Gary Burton runs his vibes through a Big Muff. Great tune, but everyone’s really just waiting for them to play the little ’70’s-style hook at the end of the ensemble lick again. This is […]
More fun with waltzes
I’ve been using these Elvin’s Afro-Waltz things almost daily in my practicing since I started writing them, and they’re working really great for me, so here’s a new one. This uses the same concept as […]
Tune of the Moment: Out of This World
The tune Out of this World by Harold Arlen has been on my mind a lot recently– I’ve been listening to John Coltrane’s recording of it on the album Coltrane, then it came up in […]
What records I’m listening to
I really want to cop a feature from Jon McCaslin and list what records I’m listening to, but I’m afraid it would get as repetitive as a broken example of the medium for which the […]
Cracking 5/4: more architecture
Beyond the 2/4+3/4 or 3/4+2/4 phrasing we’ve already discussed, there are a few common constructions you should be familiar with. Just learning the things covered in the first part will take a fair amount of […]
DBMITW: Art Ensemble of Chicago
I’ve got several things brewing– including, but not limited to the rest of the series on playing in 5/4— but they’re all taking their sweet time getting finished, so in the mean time, here’s some […]
Groove o’ the day: Al Foster – Rated X
As promised– or hinted at, rather– here is Al Foster’s hip and unusual groove from Miles Davis’s Rated X, from the record Get Up With It: As you can hear, the 1 and the 4 […]